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Sexual Dysfunction

Both men and women go through the same phases of sexual reactions cycle: sexual desire, sexual arousal, and, as a result, orgasm and resolution phase. During the phase of sexual arousal, in both men and women, the blood flow to pelvic organs increases, but in the event of erectile dysfunction in men and frigidity in women, this process weakens or does not occur at all. Furthermore, the innervation of genital organs in male and female organisms is identical. Activation, which enables genital innervation, launches the activation of blood circulation in the target organs. Therefore, in case of ED in men, and in case of female sexual arousal disorder in women, along with other specific treatment methods, it is useful to perform non-invasive stimulation of insufficiently active physiological mechanisms of sexual arousal. At PharmXhealthOne, we specialize in treating sexual dysfunction in both men and women through a noninvasive, non-surgical, needleless, and non-drug treatment for men that’s breaking boundaries in the realm of male and female sexual health. To find out how, click here to book an appointment online or call the nearest office and speak with a staff member to book your appointment today.


Sexual Dysfunction in Women

Sexual dysfunction includes painful intercourse, painful contraction (spasm) of the vaginal muscles, and problems with sexual desire, arousal, or orgasm that cause distress.

Many women report improvement in sexual arousal and response soon after the first treatment.

Lymphatic drainage is also improved with Shockwave therapy. A path is cleared for blood flow and the nervous signals can run freely through the pelvis to initiate and control sexual response and sexual climax.

Shock wave harnesses the science behind acoustic wave technology but focuses that power in treatment for sexual performance and provide you with that extra boost you need in the bedroom.

If you’re over 35, you might have experienced a little trouble in the bedroom from time to time. This treatment is a non-invasive, non-surgical solution for men and it's breaking boundaries in the realm of female sexual health.

Shockwave therapy uses low-frequency acoustic waves to open old blood vessels, eliminate micro plaque buildup, and stimulate the formation of new blood vessels. The resulting improved blood flow helps to rejuvenate vaginal lubrication, regenerate nervous tissue, and increase the intensity of orgasm.

Based on the extensive studies done on men, The Center has designed a treatment protocol for women. The procedure is quick, easy, and painless and delivers women new levels of sexual function.

Shock wave therapy has been around for many years. The pulse wave therapy also breaks up fibrosis and calcified plaques that result due to trauma. The pulsed sound waves are delivered comfortably over a short duration with no discomfort or adverse after effects.

Many women report improvement in sexual arousal and vaginal tightening soon after the first treatment.

Lymphatic drainage is also improved with Shockwave therapy. A path is cleared for blood flow and the nervous signals can run freely through the pelvis to initiate regeneration of muscles and nerves and control sexual response and sexual climax.

Restore Your Sexual Potential

This therapy uses low-frequency acoustic waves to open old blood vessels, eliminate micro plaque buildup, and stimulate the formation of new blood vessels. The resulting improved blood flow helps to rejuvenate vaginal lubrication, regenerate nervous tissue, and increase the intensity of orgasm.

Based on the extensive studies done on men, the Doctors Studio team has designed a treatment protocol for women. The procedure is quick, easy, and painless and delivers women new levels of sexual function.

Shockwave therapy therapy has been around for many years. The pulse wave therapy also breaks up fibrosis and calcified plaques that result due to trauma. The pulsed sound waves are delivered comfortably over a short duration with no discomfort or adverse after effects.

Sexual Dysfunction Treatments for both man and woman
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